I don't know how many of you caught the movie Gasland but it's a real eye opener. Another example where the government has gone out of their way to be ignorant while the forces of money continue to ruin and destroy people and land by dumping 1000's of gallons of highly toxic chemicals into the ground. All of these chemicals (which they refuse to name) then eventually end up in out drinking water (which will burn in flames right out of the tap) and in our food supply. The term is called FRACKING and it's one way big energy is coming up with Natural Gas for our energy future. (Wind and sun are still free so no monetary advantage to exploit those forms of energy)
At what point do we (as humanity) stand up and say "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore" We are getting to the point that money is everything and people are willing to hurt the earth we live on to get a few more dollars. What happens when they ruin the land and the water and the air?? What then? Where do we go....where are THEY planning on going?
No longer can we allow big business to make money as they starve people to death
People PLEASE wake up. Big business which is controlled by a small number of individuals run this world and everything in it. They control the food chain, the energy and they rape any countries they desire of their natural resources, and then they have the governments of the countries basically sell the people of that country into slavery. I know....it's impossible to get everyone to do this......but it's been happening for years.....your social security system is such a vehicle. Look it up. Your government sold your future income to pay for money borrowed when the country went broke in 1933....and that pattern continues all around the world.
I invite you to please follow the links I put on this site or in my text's to further educate yourself about the real issues that we are facing, not the issues the "create" to divert you from what is really going on.
I know it all sounds too overwhelming and the first thought is "what can I possibly do". First...educate yourself....make the people you know, aware of this info too. Not all can or will understand it all.....but it's the ones that do that we have to awaken.
Most people are well aware that there is more than meets the eye behind government closed doors and many should be ashamed of what they are doing to our planet. It reminds me of the Machiavellian philosphy "the end justifies the means". It seems that most of these greedy, money hungry individuals go by the popular saying "ask for forgiveness then ask for permission". That's exactly what these people do. They go through life taking more than what they leave behind for future generations, destroying this planet and its inhabitants, and all in the name of greed!
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