Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Is it even possible?

There are allot of you out there that don't believe that it's possible to plan and execute a strategy over many decades. That's why they feel safe that this government will always defend the rights of the citizens of this country from foreign governments. We change our elected officials every 2-4 years so it's not possible for a long term takeover plan to be acted on.....right??


I spent many years in the employ of a corporate giant, and I can tell you first hand, that while you in your personal life may only plan for the next year or so in detail, corporations have a structure that allows them to set goals on a long term plan. 10-20 years in advance. The main goal of EVERY for profit corporation is the global dominance of their products or services over all other providers. Plain and simple right? There corporate statements may infer that they care about the people or the world, but they do very little about it.

Either our elected officials are asleep at the wheel....or there is a more sinister possibility??? Are they complicit in this overthrow? Is all that special interest (lobbyist) money buying their silence in the matter?

Watch this.....one of your intelligent elected officials (Remember, he ran for President) He feels the undercurrent .........
do you????????

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